Welcome Message
Welcome to the journey of Through Kingdom Eyes – a book born from years of searching, surrender, and divine revelation.
This story began decades ago when I struggled to put my thoughts into words. I was too focused on myself, too afraid to surrender – until one profound moment changed everything. It was in an Alanon meeting that I saw, in my mind’s eye, a small airplane pulling a banner that simply read: Surrender. That single word unraveled years of fear and resistance, opening my heart to a truth far greater than myself.
Over time, God revealed to me the wondrous reality of His eternal kingdom – not just as a distant promise, but as a present truth. He showed me that we are spiritual beings, created to love as He loves, to forgive as He forgives, and to live in the fullness of His grace here and now.
Through Kingdom Eyes invites you to see beyond the surface of this world and embrace the deeper reality of God’s presence. It is a call to transformation, to live as agents of His kingdom, bringing light where there is darkness, hope where there is despair, and love where there is division.
I pray that this book opens your heart as it did mine. May you, too, begin to see the world through Kingdom eyes.